Wiretap- Phone Line

Wiretap- Phone Line
Hidden Cameras

Hidden Cameras
Audio Bugs

Audio Bugs
Voice recorders

Voice recorders
GSM Bugs

GSM Bugs
Trackers GPS

Trackers GPS

TSCM High-tech Equipment
The Bug Sweep includes:
Thermographic scan
AC carrier analysis
Laser or infrared detection
Detailed Security Report
Spectrum Analysis
Telephone line analyzer
Physical Inspection
Non-linear junction detection
T.S.C.M. Equipment We Use:
- OSCOR Spectrum Analyzer
- TALAN DPA-7000 Telephone Line Analyzer & VOIP Analysis
- ANDRE Near Field RF Detector
- Non-Linear Junction Detector
- Cpm 700 Near Field RF Detector 12GHz
- Ultra-Sensitive VLF/UHF/IR Probe
- Optical Lens Detector
- AAronia Spectrum Analyzer
- St-131 Countermeasures Detector
- Thermal Camera Flir
- Wi-Fi Analysis Equipment
- Borescope Camera
- Directional Omnidirectional Antennas
- Other Physical Inspection Tools

Counter-Surveillance Debbuging
Call us! (+34) 91 290 18 88 & Mobile (+34)634 400 844
We work in all the cities of Spain - Free consulting
Barridos Electrónicos -Detectar Micrófonos Ocultos